So today was Fish Taco Tuesday, but me and Kenny opted for something a little different. After 6 straight weeks of fish tacos, you gotta change it up. Today we tried SPARKS.
Nice one...
This is what Kenny got...
And this is what I got! HMMM look at those nachos! These Nachos were on another level of fatness. The guy that worked at Sparks was really cool, and overloaded my nachos with glops of chilli and cheese. So when i was done with my nachos, i was left with this...
A puddle of Chilli-Cheese slop. Well hell, you know me... I can't let good food go to waste!
Ohh yesss!
Ohh noooo.... That was a bad idea... "Hey guys, I've got the runs *ahem* I mean, I mean... i've got to run..."
And down over at DISTRICT
Al keepin it real! Get off him son! You ain't on his hype! Hypebeasts beware!
And whos mystery hands are these? It's a secret...
Peace =)